The website of Aviko B.V. is intended solely as the provision of general information about our products and services. Any explanation or advice on the Aviko website is of a general nature only, and should not be regarded as an explanation or advice regarding a specific situation or problem. While the utmost care has been taken during the preparation of the information on the Aviko website and Aviko B.V. strives to provide information that is as complete as possible, Aviko B.V. cannot guarantee that this information is and/or remains correct. The information is updated regularly and Aviko reserves the right to make changes at any time, with immediate effect and without prior notice.
Visitors to the website of Aviko B.V. are therefore not entitled to claim any rights based on any information published on this website. Aviko B.V. cannot be held responsible in any way for any damages which may result, either directly or indirectly, from the use of this website or from the inability to use the information published by Aviko B.V. on this website. No part of this website may be reproduced, stored in an automated database and/or be made publicly available in any form or in any way, whether electronically, mechanically, through photocopying, recording or any other means, without prior express written permission from Aviko B.V.
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